Dozens of Far-Right Nazi extremest's violently riot in Melbourne

3 years ago

According to Main Stream Media, dozens of Nazi's once again violently rioted in pretest to Daniel Andrew's reasonableness.

Daniel Andrews has confirmed, from reading reports in the Main Stream Media, that Hitler himself led the rioters (who were made up purely of the most reprehensible Nazi's). When asked why the video footage showed a cross section of society comprising families, children, disabled and elderly all peacefully protesting his draconian mandates, Andrew's fact-checked the question as "based on a false and misleading premise"and referred back to Mainstream Media reports, who confirmed they received the official Andrews narrative and dutifully reported it word for word.

"Hitler and his henchmen were disguised as regular men, women and children. If you don't believe me, read it in the Main Stream Media. I mean, who else other than Hitler would have the audacity to question my authoritarian dictates that caused the exact tribalism Hitler used to exterminate the "unclean" and bring the world to war?" Andrew's said.

When asked if comparing everyone who doesn't dutifully accept his extremist apartheid society-destroying mandates to a Nazi was "strawmanning" valid opposition, he said "What kind of a worthless, knuckle-dragging, hunchback C**t do you think I am. Only junk human would be so foul as to deliberately associate real people with Nazi's for political gain."

Andrews confirmed that all good main stream media stenographers will keep their press credentials in order to continue the important work of speaking truth to power (by dutifully acquiescing to every instruction given by said power).

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