What to do when you already have a cat but want a dog?

3 years ago

What to do when you already have a cat but want a dog?
The relationship between these two animals is beautiful, however, it is quite common that some people still think that cats and dogs cannot live peacefully in the same environment. It is not quite like that. Although there is even a popular saying to reinforce this thought, "fighting like cats and dogs", they can live well and in harmony.
The cat, in turn, which is also a territorial animal, does not like to see that threat and lets out its characteristic sound, a kind of growl used by it both in attack and defense.
A territorial dog acts this way with any animal that invades its space. Living with other dogs is no different, because when he is territorial he cannot live with other dogs in the same environment. The owners usually separate them.Click this link to know a variety of products for your pet:https://yazing.com/deals/k9wear/josiasalves65

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