RINO's Pave The Way For Vaxx-ID, Passports & OUR Enslavement!!

2 years ago

We've been BETRAYED, Again!

We know The Brandon Misadministration and their Commie-Crats are All in on never ending insidious Power Grabs, constructing their Orwellian Surveillance State, Woketard, Zero-Freedom, Death-to-America Utopia.

If all that isn't terrible enough as it were, 80 disgraceful RINO's have now joined them hand-in-hand, covertly voting together, passing this Federal Vaxx Database, paving the way for Vaxx ID's, Passports and our inevitable enslavement to follow..

ALL 80 RINO's Names Named! It's most important to know exactly who each of these TRAITORS are and we properly dispose of them and their unforgivable betrayal ASAP!

Excerpts from Epoch Times, Naomi Wolfe, Tucker Carlson & Catherine Austin Fitts

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