Aussie Pastor Mark Sayers Spreads COVID Misinformation: Would "Disappear" If Everyone's Vaccinated

2 years ago

Pastor and author Mark Sayers of the Melbourne, Australia-area Red Church spreads misinformation about coronavirus vaccines in this November interview with Preston Sprinkle, asserting without evidence that universal inoculation will stop infections, transmission, and genetic variation of COVID-19 in human populations.


MARK SAYERS: A lot of our political understanding comes from a western political tradition, which felt that it had conquered nature. So once conquering nature, it then worked on the problems of human nature...We work on things like human freedom, equality. These are the problems of human nature.


Where the pandemic is a portal into the next world is that, the environment too, is that we have now the return of nature, and nature does not care less about your human freedom. So we're moving back into what humans have struggled with throughout history, which is the return of nature.


There's different things in a virus. There's transmissibility, there's severity, and then there's vaccine escape. Delta is maybe a little bit severe, we're not more sure. It could be the same, but it was more transmissible. The nightmare scenario is we get a more transmissible, a more deadly, and a vaccine escape, and there is a significant chance of that happening.

So when you've got a large group of unvaccinated people, so, things like smallpox and so on, we vaccinated that sort of almost out of existence, right? Polio and stuff like this, because the world was slowly vaccinated, and that disappears.

So part of the argument of "you do your thing, I'll do mine," that's an argument that's not coming from epidemiology. That's coming from people looking at a political framework of "we'll deal with this as a problem of human nature. That's your belief, that's mine. But what we're entering into now is this world where reality is returning in the form of nature where there's consequential decisions that we just can't agree to disagree on.


PRESTON SPRINKLE: If, let's just snap our fingers and say the whole world's vaccinated tomorrow, then does that mean COVID would pretty much fizzle out really shortly?

SAYERS: Yeah. So it's got nowhere to go. There is always the slight danger that it could go into an animal reservoir, and, this is a bizarre thing. They did testing on deer in Michigan recently, and deers [sic] are raging with coronavirus. So it is jumping into animal reservoirs, but it would pretty much sort of disappear in the world if everyone's vaccinated.

SPRINKLE: What about when they get natural immunity? Like, they get it, they live through it, they have T-cell immunity. Is that the same as being vaccinated in terms of what we're talking about here, of contracting it and spreading it?

SAYERS: There is elements. The problem we have with natural immunity is that it wavers. So there are people who are getting COVID more than once, and it's different on different individuals.


ALSO SAYERS: What we know is that the vaccine is probably going to have boosters in six months, because they do weigh in with efficacy, um, that, um, you, um, just as, you know, there's a new flu jab every year, um, or flu shot.

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