Harry Potter - Introducing the World to Occult teachings and practices TO GET YOU

5 years ago

The founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy
(1821-1910), was one of the first to teach the immortality of the soul and the innate deity of humanity.

In her book Science and Health with a Key to the Scripture, Eddy
mingles the age-old principles of Gnosticism, pantheism, Hinduism, and dualism with Christian concepts. The twin satanic lies spoken in Eden are reiterated in her writings. A few statements from her book should suffice to demonstrate her position:

“Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place nor thing but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense”…

“Soul is the divine principle of man, and never sins, hence the immortality of the soul”…

“Man and woman as co-existent and eternal with God forever reflect in glorified equality the infinite Father-Mother God”…

“The occult is an umbrella term which includes many practices
and belief systems. These beliefs are usually based on the idea
that everything is or contains energy…, and one can access, change, channel and/or manipulate this energy (or force) for the purposes of gaining information, healing, or bringing a desired situation or thing into material reality.” (Marcia Montenegro, “The Occult: Brief Explanations of Various Terms and Concepts,” cana.userworld.com)

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