100% Proof The 'New Age' Movement Is Satanic! [Aug 10th, 2021]

3 years ago

Note: I know a LOT of people who are into the 'New Age' 'movement'... A Lot... (No names mentioned, I know several of you follow me and you all know what I mean about this...)
And NONE of them will admit the they worshiping Satan or Satanism... No, they are so 'nice', friendly sweet accommodating people...
But when I tell or talk about (and they DON't like theese words) with these people that 'New Age' are Satanic, Does Satanism exist, does many people worship Satanism and Satan, Specially that is I ask that if SATAN excist, would GOD then not also excist? that the Earth are FLAT, they will NOT talk about it. The same with PEDOPHILIA and Grooming... BUT they can talk about anything they want, but I can not... Fucking Satanist...

Sadly many of these people are really 'Awake' on whats going on right now but are still Totally Brainwashed, many of them also smoke Hash everyday and also take Psychedelic drugs like LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide), Acid (LSD), Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), Mescaline, Ololiuqui, Psilocybin, Ecstasy and MDMA ect... They also believe in 'open' sex with (almost) everybode, many of them fucks everythin they can, specially men, and they change partners very very often.... Pure Satanic behavier in my world...

So What is 'New Age'?
Yoga, Chakra, Meditation, Third Eye Chakra, Mindfullness, Spiritualism, Numerology, Karma Or Reincarnation, 'Channeling' Spirits, 'Ascending' to Godhood, 'Aliens', Tarot cards. Astrology and Astrological cycles and the Age of Aquarius, Healing, Theology, Cosmogony and Cosmology, Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Blockchain (One World Order = One World Currency) The New Age is essentially about the search for spiritual and philosophical perspectives that will help transform humanity.

Russian Satanist Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century. In her books 'Isis Unveiled' (1877) and 'The Secret Doctrine' (1888), Blavatsky claimed that her Society was conveying the essence of all (ONE) world religions, and it thus emphasized a focus on comparative religion...
Links for verification:
Steven Bancarz - 190K subscribers
"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them". - Ephesians 5:11

Website: exposingthenewage.com (now dead) ->
Ewaranon: What On Earth Happened? Part 1-13 [26.06.2021]

'The Lost History of Flat Earth' Part 1-7 Documentary [17.08.2021]

Ewaranon is Back! -> LHFE 2:1 (Lost History Of Earth 2:1) [29.10.2021]

Stolen History - Lifting the Veil of Deception (Part 1 - Introduction) [Jun 21, 2021]

Stolen History - Lifting the Veil of Deception Part 2 The Destruction of the Old World [Jul 7, 2021]

Dead Men's Secrets Were Ancient Times Really Primitive? [jun 28, 2018]

DOSED - Life is full of choices 'Documentary' (20.03.2019)

Yoga a Satanic Gateway for Demonic Possession! [03.01.2016]

SMHP: Satanic Christian Yoga Exposed (Reloaded) [18.06.2021]

Steven Bancarz Why I Am Exposing The New Age Movement
I used to run a website and Facebook page called "Spirit Science & Metaphysics", and have been asked by people why I want to "expose" things like tarot cards and Atlantis and other such ideas prevalent in the New Age movement, as opposed to letting people deny Jesus if they want to and minding my own business. In this video I go over some reasons why the New Age needs to be exposed as not only false, but demonic in nature.
100% Proof The New Age Movement Is Satanic
Island of Orphaned Videos
DecodingTheDeception - 95 subscribers - 137 Views.

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