Otiot teaching of the word Yahrushalayim 4

3 years ago

Today I got cut off at the 10 min mark. But as I have said before, these are not edited and I feel the first half was important so I'm leaving it and will pick up the second half later. This video is dedicated to my little dog Bella who we had to put to sleep last night. We go through some of the ot, but did not get to the meat of the ot "shin" that will be to follow. I mentioned Michael Rood's book which is "Mystery of Iniquity" I got mine from Amazon. Alan Horvath's book can be downloaded here: http://libertytelco.com//LaShone_haQodesh_Qaddam.pdf
Michael's wonderful home meeting that puts the book of Revelation in an easy manner to digest is found here: http://libertytelco.com/revelation.mp4

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