Doctors For Covid Ethics Symposium / Session 4: THE HOUR OF JUSTICE

3 years ago

Presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics and hosted by UK Column, the COVID-19 Interdisciplinary Symposium took place on July 29th and 30th. Scroll down for links and time codes.

Session IV: THE HOUR OF JUSTICE with Patrick Henningsen, Reiner Fuellmich, Sucharit Bhakdi, Vera Sharav, and Robert F.Kennedy Jr.

00.00 Reviving the Nuremberg Codex
Conversation with Vera Sharav, Sucharit Bhakdi and Catherine Austin Fitts

17.19 The Hour of Justice
With Reiner Füllmich, Vera Sharav, Patrick Henningsen with a pre-recorded contribution from Robert F.Kennedy Jr.


50.38 Final Panel Discussion
with Sucharit Bhakdi, Thomas Binder, Catherine Austin Fitts, Reiner Fuellmich lead by Michael Palmer

2.01.19 Closing Remarks by Sucharit Bhakdi

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