Fauci Issues Exemptions- No Credibility

3 years ago

The head of the nation’s infectious disease laboratory – doctor Anthony Fauci – is advising President Biden to test everyone for COVID who enters the country – except one group – with today’s americans for limited government minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. Check out this exchange with Fox News’s Steve Doocey at the White House:

“Dr. Fauci, as you advise the president of the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country, does that include everybody? The answer is yes because you know that the new regulation, if you want to call it that is that anybody and everybody who is coming into the country needs to get a test within 24-hours of getting on the plane to come here. But what about people who don’t take a plane, just these border crossers who come here in huge numbers? That’s a different issue.”

Fauci went on with some long-winded, complicated reason why it’s okay for illegal immigrants to cross our border without being tested for COVID – but every American citizens coming home from abroad MUST be tested. Honestly, I just stopped listening. Who has time?

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