Should people be informed about this news? 台灣人應該要知道這條國際新聞嗎?(國外的抗議活動)

3 years ago

✏️ 探討議題:
1. 誰掌握我們的視聽?Who controls what we see, what we listen?
2. 哪種新聞, 媒體有責任要讓人民知道?What kind of news that media should report to people?
3. 你願意給政治人物多少權力來決策?How much power would you like to give to politicians?

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:38 來賓Emma自我介紹 Introduction of guest, Emma
1:49 媒體的責任 The job of media
7:03 台灣人民相信媒體嗎?Do Taiwanese believe media?
11:14 國外的抗議活動影片 Clips of protest in European countries
13:38 媒體是不是應該報導國外的抗議活動?Should media report the protest to people?
20:35 抗議活動的原因 Why people are on the streets?
23:06 台灣太陽花運動&香港反送中運動 Sunflower movement in TW and HongKong protest
27:06 影片: 政治家曾承諾不會有亦描護照 Politicians said there will be no needle passport before
28:56 人民覺得被欺騙? Are people being lied to?
32:45 政府政策 vs 聆聽人民的聲音 Executing policy vs listening voice of people
38:05 讓少數人掌握極大權力... Let few people get huge power

#Taiwan #No_Idea #Podcast #沒想法

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