Rosemary & Clove Tea, Drink This Recipe for One Week and Watch What Happens Pt. 2 [03.12.2021]

3 years ago

0:00 | Intro
0:35 | First ingredient: Rosemary
1:32 | Second ingredient: Cloves
3:42 | Where to Buy Rosemary?
3:57 | How to Store Rosemary?
4:20 | Where to Buy Cloves?
4:55 | How to Store Cloves?
5:11 | Potential Side Effects of Rosemary
5:45 | Potential Side Effects of Cloves
If you're looking for a natural strategy to boost your immunity, lower cholesterol, prevent respiratory diseases, enhance heart health, eliminate inflammation, improve digestion, improve memory, and reduce stress and anxiety.
This magical drink is ideal for you. It only requires two simple ingredients that are readily available at home.
Rosemary & Clove Tea:

Dansk: Rosmarin og Nellike the.

5 Cloves or Ground Cloves (½ TSP of Ground Cloves)
5 cups of water
Boil at low heat for 5 min
Cool down for 10 min, strain it.
Can bee sweeten with 1 TSP natural honey
Can be stored in refrigerator for 3 days.
Drink 1 cup ½ hour before bedtime daily for one week

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

The contents of the video is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please seek the advice of a medical professional with all questions that you have related to or about, a medical condition.

Drink Rosemary and Clove Tea for 1 Week | See What Happens To Your Body
92,183 views Nov 14, 2021
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