"For the Sake of the Elect" Trinity 25 2019 - St. John Lutheran (Sherman Center), Random Lake, WI

5 years ago

10. November 2019
Trinity 25
Matthew 24:15-28

The church isn’t really all that concerned with impressive spectacles and buildings, moving hearts to tears, and stirring up generous gifts from impassioned pleas. The church is concerned with delivering God’s kingdom, because Jesus will have His kingdom. The church is concerned with sitting at Jesus’s feet, listening to Him, and receiving from Him everything needed both now and for eternity. And because you are here now, gathered with fellow baptized children of God, listening to Jesus, you really have nothing to fear, for you are Christ’s and He will preserve you to the end.

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Join us each Sunday @ 9:30am and Wednesday @ 7pm for Divine Service, where God serves us with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. We are located at W5406 Highway SS, Random Lake, Wisconsin (https://goo.gl/maps/YCoyfG5WZMz). For more information and seasonal service times, check our website at https://stjohnrandomlake.org.

We are a congregation of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS).

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