PAGEAU, BARD & HAMELRYCK | Religion for the Apocalypse

3 years ago

What is religion all about in the 21st century, 200 years after Nietzsche proclaimed the Death of God?

Alexander Bard, Jonathan Pageau, Jonathan Hamelryck, and Andrew Sweeny on this week's Maniphesto Media Academy session.

For some, religion is a perennial matter and we need to rediscover orthodoxy, for others religions should be reformed to meet the times—many today, even atheists, believe that they are 'spiritual but not religious'. So what do we mean by religion today?

Jonathan Pageau is an orthodox Christian, an icon carver, symbolic thinker and famous youtuber; Alexander Bard is a Zoarastrian, and a continental and digital philosopher; Thomas Hamelryck is an expert on René Girard's mimetic theory of desire and a researcher in machine learning, and Andrew Sweeny a Vajrayana Buddhist, writer, and podcaster. Together they will talk about ‘homo religiosus" (religious man) and his place in a world that has become more and more secular and hostile to religion.

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