The Dangers of Porn Addiction - An Webcast based on the Conquer series with Luke Gibons

5 years ago

Symptoms of Addiction

As with any addiction, there are several signs and symptoms of porn addiction. Here’s a partial list of some common ones:

Unable to stop using porn despite trying to do so
Becoming angry, defensive, or irritable when asked to stop viewing porn
Increased sense of shame and guilt
Decreased time spent with family and friends
Denial that you have a porn problem
Lying and being more secretive about activities
Reduced interest in sexual, emotional or physical interaction with your spouse
Intense feelings of shame and guilt
Feeling like you’re living a double life
Blaming others for your porn use
Loss of interest in work, socializing, hobbies and other activities

Whether your journey with pornography has led to a full blown addiction or is an intermittent struggle, there is help for you.

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