Gas, Water & Electric are FREE

3 years ago

Gas, Water & Electric are FREE

Telegram grab:

ALL COUNCIL TAX, HMRC TAX, FINES and PENALTIES , and only pay the standing charge for GAS, WATER and ELECTRIC BILLS TODAY
The government are Tyrannical, Thieving, Lying, Robbing Bastards that are operating illegally to FUND WARS, CAUSE POVERTY and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!

Have you ever “ CONSENTED “ to paying these charges?


As you are a living wo/man - Parliamentary/government acts and statutes do not apply to you.
Unless you consent !
They only apply to dead, fictional, government straw man/entities/employees/persons
or those who signed up for their service corporation rules.
(And by the way of voting - you’ve basically given your consent to be shafted at will by the .gov service corporation.)
So DO NOT VOTE either!

Watch these short videos to explain more about the straw man and the lies that we’ve unknowingly had forced upon us......

These are just some of the/our Constitutional rights below, which
are all still in force today and have not and cannot be repealed!
The wool has just been pulled over our the government, the crown corporations and other companies and corporations who have been illegally fleecing us of our equity....

You are the beneficiary.
You are the creditor.
You are the sovereigns.

The government and monarchy have been usurped and are ruling tyrannically and unlawfully.


👉🏻 Magna Carta 1215 (our Constitution)

The contents of Magna Carta - UK Parliament

Local government act 1888
Part 5/ 79/s2.

2. All duties and liabilities of the inhabitants of a county shall become and be duties and liabilities of the council of such county.

That's debts that cannot be paid for and your welfare as a whole.

They are Also illegal under
Bills of Exchange Act 1882

Bill of exchange defined.
A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
An instrument which does not comply with these conditions, or which orders any act to be done in addition to the payment of money, is not a bill of exchange.

And the Bill of rights 1688

Bill of Rights [1688]

Grants of Forfeitures.
That all Grants and Promises of Fines and Forfeitures of particular persons before Conviction are illegall and void.

Grants of Fines, &c. before Conviction, &c.
And severall Grants and Promises made of Fines and Forfeitures before any Conviction or Judgement against the Persons upon whome the same were to be levyed. All which are utterly directly contrary to the knowne Lawes and Statutes and Freedome of this Realme.

And the
claim of rights act 1689.

That the Imposeing of extraordinary fynes The exacting of exorbitant Baile and the disposeing of fynes and forefaultors befor sentence are Contrary to law

Claim of Right Act 1689

C28. Claim of Right Act 1689

And the Social security administration act 1992
Section 187

No one can have benefits removed.
Which is Non repealed. Still...!

Here’s another link Which has some template letters to help you fight this corrupt system and other relevant info can be found here👇🏻.
Cancel any fine legally

Here are some fun facts!
*Council tax should not be charged on Residential properties. Only businesses/commercial entities.

All parliamentary/legal acts and statutes are for commercial use and we have been fooled into acting as commercial entities through the legal fiction - “MR/MRS/MiSS/MS - JOHN/JANE DOE”
Only dead entities have capital letters as with grave stones.

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