House Oversight Committee UIA Bill Package 12/2/21

3 years ago

HB 5549: Requires a monthly report to the Unemployment Insurance Agency ombudsman related to rulings appealed and forwarded to the Board of Appeals Commission

HB 5550: Requires the unemployment agency to post the amount of money in the Unemployment Compensation Fund on its public website

HB 5551: Modifies the restitution determination period and requires notice of certain rights for certain determinations to become final

HB 5552: Creates an unemployment insurance agency ombudsman

HB 5553: Requires the unemployment agency to process claims for unemployment benefits within a certain number of days

HB 5554: Provides for a requirement for complete case files when submitting information for an adjudication hearing

HB 5528: Prohibits certain improperly paid benefits from being charged to certain accounts and funds

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