You Have Been Brain Washed

3 years ago

If you are one of the people who keep whining and saying, "I can't wait until things get back to normal" or "Once everyone gets vaccinated, things will finally get back to normal." YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED.I know, haters will say- I am not an expert on the subject but those of you who keep You were NOT listening when the government and the media told you, over and over and over that "This is the new normal." THEY TOLD YOU - March, April, May and June of 2020 you heard it on the radio, the TV and every place you were 'allowed' to go during the lockdowns pumped it out on the loud speaker. "This is the new normal." If you are complaining now, it means you didn't actually listen and have subconsciously accepted that the world you live in today. Right now. Is normal.
It has been 20 months of
- living in fear
- wearing your masks
- social distancing
- obeying your government's strange draconian measures to fight a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
So even after a few mask free months when everyone was getting vaccinated you didn't even hesitate to fight back when you had to put your masks on again. YOU GOT VACCINATED WHY THE HELL DO YOU NEED TO WEAR YOUR MASKS ANYMORE? If the vaccine works - why? But of course you don't ask becuase you haven't thought about it.
YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO ACCEPT THAT THIS IS NORMAL - there is nothing 'new' about it anymore it has been almost 2 years. The fact that YOU have accept this life - that YOU never questioned it... it is YOUR FAULT that we are still living like this.
IF YOU KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE TOLD things will never go back to the way they used to be, they will never go back to the way they are supposed to be.

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