O Antiphons VIII

3 years ago

XIII. Practical Advice [This is what I did with these passages]

Read the scripture passage and reflect in solitude with the Lord. Then consult with other commentators and perennial Church teaching for discernment. The more one makes use of this process, the easier it becomes hearing the Lord and avoiding errors.

Read Sacred Scripture in context. Often times a few sentences before and after the passage in question resolves most confusion, though not all

St Jerome ignorance of SS ignorance of Christ. No substitute in a dialogue with our Lord. Sometimes it times for seed to grow. Need to plant it. Sit in intellect, maybe dead for awhile.
Our Lord could have made the world perpetually novel. Jan 1, then back to another jan 1. God so much to offer no need to circle back. He lets us. Human can become bored lack of novelty. Revisiting the same thing is new for us, I never bring my same self to the Advent season. Last year’s Advent self is different this year.

Our Lord made us the novelty. He is unchanging. We come each year different. Read other people as fertilizer or maybe tilling the ground, the seed pushes forth is for us.

Prepare the garden bed, plat the seed, wait patiently.

Psalms and chants of the season. Same tune can convey both truth and error.
Ex/ Arius knew the poor of catchy tunes carrying heretical ideas. Listen to holy or scriptural music.

Bound by false need to understand, sacrificed immense selves in beauty. Before great artwork. I can read the description. Till ground, fertilizer. Let the beauty speak to you personally.

O Antiphons understanding and comprehension, not just feed understanding, time simply intellect immersed in the beauty.

Nuns Sacre Couer singing of the Lord who is about to bestowed on earth.
There is joyfulness from the season. Christmas cookies, peppermint sticks, the season is also for the supernatural. Allow intellect sublime beauty of the O Antiphons.

As Catholics, this is our heritage.

XIV. Song for Meditation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhK_SjfMDX4 (English)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-CPWVh-2S0 Kansas Monks O Sapientia
Head to our website: https://www.kansasmonks.org/ each day for the O Antiphon.

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