3 years ago

Last nights live on @ladstalkhealth

A topic that is very unusually spoken about but yet it is something that all humans face

Much of the work we do is working with people who have been told they are going to die or a life threatening illness. Many of our life teachings has been from working with these amazing people

When death enters the equation, people have some incredible insights and realisations. In some cases they have referred to their own spiritual awakening

When we accept death, we can appreciate life so much more.

I used to fear death but after working with some credible people and continuing to learn, I now believe it is the expansion

When you understand death, you will enjoy life

Have a listen to an experience that James shared which will make the hairs on your neck stand

Let go of things that are not serving you and Enjoy every moment

#death #dyingprocess #soulmidwife #embracedeath #beauty #awakening #transition #letgooffear #ladstalkhealth

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