Targeted Individual Digital Infrared Forensics

4 years ago

Video taken on the hillside, 2019 or 2018, where they’re broadcasting their voices and threats through “noise” of any sort, different frequencies, different volumes, carry their conversations, Sending them away on/with electromagnetic fields, BTWLAN, hidden network, hidden internet, data over power, local area networks, satellite, and the serval mesh network they have set up here in the United States of America. In addition it carries our thoughts, brain waves, “packets” and eyesight back to a location like Columbus Convention Center or Cafe del Mundo, until it burned down by them, they can read our minds as well as see through our eyes. They connect and corrupt home, business, WiFi, Bluetooth, satellite, wires and other internet and digital communications connections allowing them open door policy by manipulating system
Files to always load their algorithms at system boot, no matter if deleted or not (drweb .com). These magnetic fields that they amped up and supercharged have caused many health issues and body defects as well as allows them to throttle speeds and network connections they have hijacked the internet and are running everyone to duplicated, overlayed , or loopbacked websites even for email , and government sites.

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