No $ BS Hearts of Iron 3 (HoI 3) TRE for BICE 10.33 More Testing

4 years ago

No $ BS TRE for BICE 10.33

A few days ago revolverheld sent me an up dated version he worked on of TRE for BICE 10.33 (Big Thanks to revolverheld!). I have it running with BICE now. I have looked at it a bit & see things needing to be updated to fully work with the new version of BICE (some that might not show up to the average player because they wouldn't know they were missing something). Just because it plays doesn't mean it works right!!! So I will be doing a combo of 3 things:

1. Taking a look at BICE 10.33 with my thoughts on it.
2. Testing how TRE works with BICE 10.33.
3. Modding TRE.

Hearts of Iron III

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