The Supernatural Discoveries Episose 7 - Jonathan Gray and Elin Berglund

4 years ago

The location of Noah’s Ark - Turkey, Armenia or…? (Special edition)

There are several differing claims among experts and archaeologists about where Noahs ark is located.

Some are claiming the the ark landed on the volcano we today call Mount Arrarat while others are saying it is located in Armenia or in Iran, or in the area in the neighbourhood of Mount Ararat.
This episode is focusing on two major locations.

Listen to the facts presented in this episode and draw your own conclusion.

'And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat' Genesis 8:4

This is not referring to one specific mountain, but to the mountains (plural) located in the ancient kingdom of Urartu.

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