Sleepy kitty cat simply doesn’t want to let go of human’s hand.

3 years ago

The video shows a cute cat sleeping with its eyes closed. But it keeps holding on very tightly to its human’s hand.
This sleepy kitty does not want to let go of its human's hand.
When it comes to the people you love, you always want to stay with them a bit longer. In this video shared on Reddit, viewers can see exactly this emotion from a furry feline.
The video opens to show a cute black and grey striped cat sleeping with its eyes closed. But it keeps holding on very tightly to its human’s hand. As the human thinks that the cat has now slept and they can leave the room and attend to something else, the cat proves them wrong.

As the human slowly starts pulling away, they get to see how closely the cat hangs onto their hand and just does not want to let go. As the video progresses, it is also visible that the cat is not really asleep yet but simply wants to go for some sleepy cuddle time. Soon enough, the human gives in and stays right there.

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