Skilled indoor cyclist performs 25 Christmas carols while CYCLING ON ROLLERS

3 years ago

This incredibly skilled trick cyclist displays her festive spirit, musical talent, and multi-tasking-skills all in one by performing TWENTY-FIVE XS CAROLS - on rollers.

Rebecca Laurel, 22, is skilled in all the different disciplines of cycling including road, cyclocross, mountain biking, even track.

But during the lockdown 2020 she began a Youtube channel where she started displaying tricks whilst trackstanding and riding SIDE on rollers.

Civil engineer Rebecca has now compiled ‘Rebecca’s Rollers Advent Calendar’, a 25 video strong series that show her performing traditional Christmas Carols on the flute and keyboard, all on wheels.

She filmed herself performing such classics as; ‘Joy to the world’, ‘Hark the herald angels sing’ and ‘Silent night’ in an impressive feat of human endurance and musical talent.

Rebecca, from Leicester, said: “The thing that inspired me the most to film my first video (Jingle Bells on the flute on rollers) was seeing someone on YouTube playing the guitar on rollers (whilst cycling one legged to keep the guitar stable) - which I thought was really impressive.

"I can’t play the guitar, but I thought I could try playing the flute on rollers.

“My favourite video is Day 1 of Rebecca’s Rollers Advent Calendar because it was one of my favourite Christmas songs and I managed to play the keyboard with both hands, which I wasn’t sure I would be able to do.

“I taught myself to play the keyboard and don’t play often so it takes a lot of concentration. Also, I couldn’t see the handlebars under the keyboard, so I didn’t know how far from the edge of the rollers I was.

“I’m quite happy with the content I have made so far because it has quite a variety of tricks on different bikes, both on rollers and trackstanding.

“I learnt to ride rollers when I was 13, shortly after I started cycling with a cycling club, because it enabled sessions to continue through the winter.

“Between the ages of 13 and 18, I did weekly sessions on the rollers in the winter with my cycling club, which has meant that in the past, I have spent quite a lot of time on the rollers.

“This included a combination of training hard and skill based activities, such as learning to ride no-handed, learning to ride one-legged and playing catch. Since then, I have not spent much time on the rollers apart from the filming of videos.

“A lot of the musical videos were part of Rebecca’s Rollers Advent Calendar where I share a Christmas song every day in December until Christmas.

”This took quite a lot of effort, but it was great fun. I have a few ideas for other videos that I have not filmed yet.”

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