potheads don't even know about endocannabinoid system

3 years ago

just read an article "debunking" the danger of marijuana
pretty soon this will be "misinformation"
now that the govt has control over it along with monsanto they are legalizing it
censoring all negative information about it
marijuana was associated with black people
anyone in denial of this hasn't spent any time with black people
that's why it's a stereotype
as if some loser in their parent's basement needs a medical card
small amt is fine, if you know the grower
both thc and cbd are inside of us, why it's our most natural form of medicine
the more i learned about it, the less i wanted to smoke it
getting high by looking at a light or reading Scripture (same thing)
weed walmart/guitar center
all the lame people will be in favor of this
back in my day you had to wait a week
these people are gambling addicts
gambling with sanity, way worse than crack
can't get any more cynical over here
that's my green, Yahuah
be for me what i want from the cannabis plant, He takes heed every time
every thing you want is in yer mind
charge the battery pack, oh shit
really vortex, goodbye

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