Tucker Carlson 30 Nov 2021

3 years ago

the CNN death spiral is the topic of tonight's monologue as CNN bows to their marxist masters and suspend (slow motion fire) their #1 rated prime time host-he was the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry.
Tucker gloats a bit, but ultimately defends him from the Marxists that fired him. What he was guilty of, primarily, was showing loyalty to his brother and that is not allowed in the Borg Collective. Jason Whitlock joins Tucker and gives an excellent perspective on the thought process. Fantastic insight from Jason. Vince Coglianese, a conservative radio host form NYC joins Tucker to what this is going to mean for CNN and their ratings.
Omicron the Destroyer is next up on the show, this is just perfect timing for the Globalist cabal to push the narrative. Jim Cramer clip from MSDNC is aired to highlight the danger to the rest of us. Alex Barenson joins Tucker to explain the theater behind the new Scarient.
Trace Gallagher joins Tucker to explain some drama in LA. The sheriff is pushing back against the Mayor. My money is on the sheriff...
San Francisco has already swirled the bowl and is in the pipes towards the sewage treatment plant, but Tracy McCray (SFPD VP of Union) joins Tucker to say they COULD turn it around. Me thinks not.

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