December 1, 2021

3 years ago

Omicron- the video game about demons pretending to be human who lure humans into Omicron.
And if a character dies- “the real human playing the game loses their soul”
ONCOMIR !! MEANING == You about about to be given Cancer like never before if you get the Kill Shot !!
An oncomir (also oncomiR) is a microRNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer. MicroRNAs are short RNA molecules about 22 nucleotides in length. Essentially, miRNAs specifically target certain messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to prevent them from coding for a specific protein

They are planning to shut your immune system down and Trnashumanism us in to Ai technology.. The Hitachi Smart dust in the Geo-Engineering program is stage 1..
the Graphene Oxide in the kill shot is stage 2..

With taking their kill shot their are asking you to give up your body.. and your soul to the government and the big tech corporations that are trying to Ai us..
STOP wearing the mask .. it does nothing.
STOP getting the kill shot.. it does NOTHING.. but give you 2 years to live..
STOP complying !!!

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