SN1137: Age of Angst, The Bio-Security State & Earth Over You | Factions Of Freedom

2 years ago

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This year’s end is coming up on us faster than I hit the breaks for the show. Kyle Rittenhouse has been found not guilty and acquitted on all charges, while the Democrats and mainstream media fan the flames of the Darrell Brooks vehicular manslaughter that occurred in Waukesha, Wisconsin earlier this week. We discuss why there’s a growing fetishization of degeneracy amongst the populous and why actual heroic actions are frowned upon.

This type of existential inversion follows us into the second segment where we cover the encroaching bio-security state brought on by COVID. In Austria, we’re seeing the modern version of “papers please” with police officers walking up to bystanders and asking for their proof of vaccination. In Australia, there are reports of Aboriginals in the Northern Territories being forcibly removed from their communities and injected at unknown locations. The people are waking up to this next-level tyranny, but as always, is it too late?

As the people are gradually waking up to these true injustices, we’re seeing the rollout of the next phase of the controlling oligarch’s plan: totalitarian, top-down control. IF you thought the outright ludicrous edicts from elected officials over COVID was intense, imagine being told you’re not able to live due to your “unsustainable lifestyle” – And just like that, government thinks it knows what’s best for you, and if you deviate from their prescribed lifestyle, you’re probably a terrorist that needs to be removed from society for the sake of everyone.

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