Nursery Rhymes 2

3 years ago

1. Simple Simon
2. Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes
3. Old King Cole
4. One Potato, Two Potato
5. Crooked Man
6. Hot Cross Bun
7. To Market, To Market
8. There was an Old Woman
9. Ten Little Indians
10. Lavender's Blue
11. Pop Goes The Weasel
12. Polly Put The Kettle On
13. Five Little DUcks
14. Pease Porridge Hot
15. Ten In a Bed
16. I Saw a Ship
17. Miss Polly Had a Dolly
18. ROund and Round the Garden
20. Where is Thumbkin
21. The Bear Went Over The Mountain
22. A Sailor Went To Sea
23. Old Mother Hubbard
24. I hear Thunder
25. A Tisket, A Tisket

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