How to Mine Crypto with Your Home Computer

3 years ago

Have you ever wondered how to mine cryptocurreny? This video is a simple tutorial on how you can start mining crypto from your home computer today. No expensive equipment required to start mining!

If you need some help setting up your miner or you're just looking for a place to learn more about mining and cryptocurrency come check out our free group.

SoC - School of Crypto is a FREE to join study group for all things Crypto and Blockchain. Our main goal is spread the knowledge of this amazing technology far and wide. Our group is hosted on Discord and Telegram.

We can help new crypto enthusiasts get the information they need to comfortably set up their own wallets and exchanges, learn proper security and storage practices, learn about different coins and different blockchain and how they function.

Anyone is welcome to join no matter what level of Crypto knowledge they have. If you've been around Crypto for a few years and just want to spread your knowledge you are more than welcome to join.

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