Dr Vernon Coleman, The Jabbing Program Has To Stop, Who Is In Charge For UK Vaccine Safety At MHRA

3 years ago

Dr Vernon Coleman, The Jabbing Program Has To Stop, Who Is In Charge For UK Vaccine Safety At MHRA

Dr Vernon Coleman gives a synopsis as to where we are with the governments handling of the lock down and Jabs.
Dr Coleman is in possession of a paper produced by the highly respected medical Journal 'Circulation' it is 71 years old and its articles are peer reviewed. It was voted the worlds number one journal in the cardiovascular category. Sent from Darren Smith the editor of Light the paper delivers a clear warning to all people continuing with the administration of the vaccine they will be struck off and arrested.
Dr Coleman believes that the experimental vaccination should stop IMMEDIATELY if it continues after the 'Circulation' report this is clear proof the vaccination is not a medical treatment it is a cull.
PLUS keep pens and papers and e-mail facilities handy as the names are revealed of the people in the MHRA who are ultimately responsible for our health and safety of people. We need answer's.
Brian Gerrish, Alex Thomson and Patrick Henningsen with today's UK Column News (24 November 2021).

This Topic Is an excerpt from the show. The FULL VERSION and much more 'true, and proper' journalism, including News shows ON DEMAND, can be found here:-


Dr Vernon Colemen Web Site https://www.vernoncoleman.org

AHA Paper: - https://bit.ly/3r73WTY

TSN Article: - https://bit.ly/3FHV2jJ

21CW Article: - https://bit.ly/3l53Xny

The Guardians Of Vaccine 'Safety' Failure


UK Column YC: - https://bit.ly/3xgvOpG

Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Article 1).
Articles 1 ---30 https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights
To save all our rights we have to fight for ourselves and others until they awaken!
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