Traffic Lights Zero Tolerance Agenda 90% FORCED VACCINES for New Zealand

3 years ago

This is an information sharing video about the TRUE STATE OF THE NATION of New Zealands affairs under a DICTATORSHIP CULT sacrifice CCP appointed Jackcinda Agerm. DIRTY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS have been SLAVE trading New Zealand-Aotearoa-Nu Tireni-Te Ika A Maui. Since Nazi-National party & Maori pati signing the 2015 TPP-TPPA-TeTure Whenua - this has LEAD TO AGENDA 21 generational holocaust scheme LAUNCHED BY THEIR MEDIA covid19 corona virus SARS China-USA-UK disruption destroying the country. Now, this war criminal murderer Adern of labour socialist party adolf hitlers regime is ANNOUNCING FORCED VACCINES under a disguised TRAFFIC LIGHTS SYSTEM & Method & Workforce. We eed a Military respond to this 5g tech launch-chronic sureveillance of this BIOWEAPON Launched injections. The prime minister is contracted by 4 vaccine companies & no longer working for PROTECTING NEW ZEALAND BY CLOSING IMMIGRATION MASS SPREAD of this virus. A corona virus they are still to explain what it is. WATCH MY OTHER VIDEO REPORT also to understand. Why Adern must face the JUDGEMENT death penalty with ALL these other TRAITOR globalist CULT Slave Traders! A Cal for the re-opening of the Russian Embassy, and Maori Battalion ANZAVS uprising to respond to a CHINA TAKEOVER INVASION! SAVE OUR CHILDREN!
To support my variety talents & truth reporting please sponsor by emailing me at: or text 0211353097.
Thank you.
Did you know 1982 Guardian Trust Act passed to own social welfare company WINZ MSD & its funds stolen from private maori land owners transferred to NZ Guardian Trust aka Trivium Investment multi-national owed. Time to revoke 1982 Guarduan trust act & their money laundering Bank Accounts raiding Clients trapped by Govt AI so they never get a dream job:

Her Majesty the queen in right of NewZealand"company is registered to USA SEC & wall st trading at $150,000,000. These financial reports submitted quarterly to SEC confirms We ARE a Stolen State of USA!
The Aust DOW Jones & NZ Treasury gamblers need arresting!
All Rights Reserved.
Update 2024: covid19 vaccine euthanasia by nazi freemason cult transexual LGBT politicians psychopaths, further confirms WHITE COLLARED Escalated 500% in New Zealand. We conclude 80% of the overpaid Workforce is a Scam! White society nazi heritage has been helping itself to Indigenous Sovereign private individual Native Title Deeds LANDOWNERS, nowdays via USA covid19 patent & dirty foreign imposter corporations & dirty banks registered to Federal Reserve Bank. White Collared Crime includes dirty freemason university degrees lawyers, judges of ALL fake courts held in contempt of court, fake medical society chemical companies murderers, fake finance firms including bankrupt bank businesses in NZX security stocks & bonds trading 'online' Internet Trading. This PYRAMID SOCIETY of rich, middle, poor class is at a Collapse. Their occult pedophile PORT Cities are Evil Satanic Ritual based Smuggling & Gambling Dens. RETURN Our Stolen Land you pedophiles! JUDEMENT DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!

Nuremberg 2.0 Vaccination Genocide Judgement:
The charges we have brought, accused the offenders of having committed crimes against Humanity.
The same acts
We have declared under count 1 as crimes against humanity:
Are alleged under Count 2 as War Crimes.
Also added alleged under Count 3 using NZers as a medical military experiment for vaccine euthansasia population reduction to recover crown-vatican-rothschilds DEBT.
Dates of Offenses 2019 - 2024. Over a course of 5years.
It is therefore wholly fitting for this court & peoples public opinion & judgement to hear these Crimes & Judge them in the Name of Civilisation for 3 strikes & your out Guilty as charged.
Locally, nationally & internationally according to their positions held:

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