Dr. Mercola speaks with Dr. Francis Boyle Nov. 28/21

3 years ago

Dr. Francis Boyle is the author of the International Bioweapons Law Anti Terrorism Act of 1989, approved unanimously by both houses of the US Congress. He has also prosecuted numerous cases of breach of this law. 18 months ago, he told the world, the ADE would get out of control. That covid-19..aka mRNA gene therapy, via "vaccine" delivery system was in fact a bioweapon...why is this man being summarily dismissed and isolated and unpersoned?....isn't this the expert we all claim "scientists" aspire to be ?...a Harvard Law graduate and recipient of a very rare grant/scholarship from Kissinger himself. Ask yourself..look in the mirror..cast aside your fear...ask yourself why this man and men like Dr. Mercola amongst COUNTLESS other practitioners of care and well being for our troubled masses, are dismissed....pray for strength for our brainwashed brethren, for it is on us to reach as many as possible, we sat by idly and watched it all ...fade away. RISE UP! THE BATTLE OF OUR AGE IS HERE!

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