Comely lass nails it: these ain't vaxpasses, they're compliance passes.

3 years ago

Credit instagram's @showmeyourface_ny. The video speaks for itself, so I won't do anything but present it here for posterity and remark that while some of us were aware of the charade, we have thus far failed to impact the mainstream narrative.

See my other video entitled "Let's go Brandon" where the narrator observes that even though they see vaccine death on television, viewers remain oblivious to the carnage. I have seen this explained elsewhere as mass hypnosis, and by process of elimination that is what I am forced to conclude.

The woman in the video, @melissa_keenan_ciummei_, makes an interesting observation: as of November 2021 the last remaining cohort of the unvaccinated are our youngest.

The Borg nears completion of its Schwabian apocalypse and there seems to be little the free rangers can do to avert catastrophe.

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