2021 encapsulated: Manchester Christmas market open only to vaxpass holders.

3 years ago

The wonder is that the populace are so docile. The man paid by the municipality to control entry says that jab records will be accepted in paper form this year only. Next year, only electronic form will be accepted, and he tells that microchips will be implanted by Christmas next year. Straight from the horse's mouth.

At least two things should be noted here: one, the city of Manchester is run by Labour hands, so both major parties have bought into the vaxpass system as designed by Sajid Javid; and two, even if the upper classes were not to participate in this system of apartheid the administrators can churn the disempowered classes to find their agent operateurs.

Credit instagram's @iwillnotbesilenced2 with footage from the last weekend of November 2021.

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