Clairvoiance with Will Baron

4 years ago

Whats Hiding Behind New Age ? Michael Smilie Asks Critical Questions About The Danger Of Clairvoyance.

The practice of Eastern meditation, also known as transcendental meditation, had the specific goal of opening up the "chakra" mystical energy centers that are supposedly located in the vicinity of the spin, starting with the base chakra located at the bottom of the spine. The three uppermost chakras are said to be the throat chakra in the vicinity of the throat, the third eye center in the front of the forehead, and the crown chakra located on the top of the head. It is New Age metaphysics, it is taught that meditation will draw mystical cosmic energy into the chakras, this will energize them, and this energization will bring about psychic abilities. For example the energization of the third eye center will supposedly enable psychic vision, also known as clairvoyance. Energization of the throat chakra will supposedly empower the mystical ability of mediumship and the ability to verbalize messages from spirits, also known as channeling spirits.

— - Does the Bible have anything to say about Clairvoyant and Clairaudient abilities?

JOHN 10.10 I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

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