2020 @SQLSatLA presents: Get Your Optimizer to Give up All Secrets by Brian Hansen | @VMware Room

4 years ago

Get Your Optimizer to Give up All Its Secrets by Brian Hansen (@tf3604)
You know that execution plans can provide you with vital information to tune a query, but just how does that plan get generated? In this session, we will examine details of the query optimization process that are not very well known. We will discuss how SQL Server parses a T-SQL statement then begins applying rules to make it more efficient. Did you know that SQL Server can be coaxed into outputting hidden structures such as parse trees and memos? We'll do just that, and then take it a step further with a free unique visualization tool that I have created. With a better understanding of how SQL Server optimizes T-SQL (and sometimes doesn't do it as well as might be hoped), you can write more efficient SQL statements.

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