WWIII- Covid

4 years ago

Definitely make sure you listen to this video. Watch this video is 26 minutes long. Um, I'm gonna have to free up space and I'll do the rest of it. Look back at my previous videos and my podcasts. Those episodes or my notebooks? Or on my Facebook or Instagram or talk to The people. In Columbus, OH gay community,Aura. Find Dylan Gilbreath Haley foltz. Um? Liz. Kevin brembeck... Strippers Casey Findlay - David Jay Cincinnati - Johnny dangerously - Tyson - Avery Cole, gerry Adkins Cincinnati. You also. I hope to God many people do get arrested. Or they do shoot themselves in the head for being terrorists. They realized that they really are not the cream of the crop and they are nothing besides Nastia's rapist bullies. And if they're kind of disgusting. So as much as people may admire my thought, they were, they were hot shippers or good looking people or whatever. You proved to be nothing besides an ugly, nasty piece of crap pile of. Worthlessness. Especially since a lot of people look down on strippers. Because they're strippers. Well, guess what? I didn't do that. But you have proved that you're nothing besides trash. It doesn't matter if you're a stripper or not. Now you too ho. So Holly, just a murderer. He does have recordings of copies of everything. Didn't throw anything away. Details, details, details right?

Earlier this morning, like 5am (around) after again YES AGAIN- going through the "duh this is a terrorist cell organized crime, gang-bangers, human trafficking, largest fraudulent identity ring, contraband, Huge real estate and School/Virtual Schools voucher stealing, US Census lying, Presidential Election Setting up the outcome (and STILL LOSING) 3555 whites rd, Nelsonville ohio Charles Schultz (was the name on the deed- until I called them out on using the name of the creator of Peanuts -Charlie brown) - Look up electrical engineers, University of Cincinnati Electrical Surveyors -black and retired- I believe former UC professor- and compare it to the list of owners for the Church of Martini on Saffin Ave. Cincinnati ohio. Oh wait here's one for the books. 303 N Greenlawn Ave, elida, ohio. first time home buyers loan, a loan to me, in my name, my first home... first mortgage. well I lived there 2 yrs, moved to Columbus rented it out, my parents never came to my home on Greenlawn ave, neer to lima, well except for the opening of Zap N Zone in the American Mall when it moved and opened there. after I sold the home to Melissa Vogel in 2006. I signed the deed to her. How does my father have to sign off on the deed in 2015 because Delphos Title says that he was owner also. My parents did not sign for a house for me, nor would one parent sign a loan and not the other on a home- if one dies then BIG issues. But Firsttime home buyers to qualify there are no cosigners allowed. So..... hmm Prove this-- my father had excellent credit and still does.
My "theory" reverse type mortgage -- why do I think this?? this terrorist cell steals properties, overinflates their own property values and refinancing amounts. how did I find this out? Nexis Lexis full dislosure report listed three different mortgage amounts or more for way more than the property could or would ever sell unless it had GOLD. over 3x appraisal. and they had to fuck around with the naems to get be able to start laundering money via real estate and banks and other financial institutions. Also another reason i'm sure had to be something to do with the buckeye connection.. point of this is though.... my parents can and will in court or how ever needed (or any frickin agent) that illegally entering the states computer system and …. yes they are cyber terrorists and this proves they have access to the county auditors systems - ie county state federal- GLOBAL. sorry really sick of explaining to them how stupid they are and how worthless they are to keep torturing people Targeted Individuals or others.

#IamOne - there are thousands of people that "gangs of America" groupies included are Targeting... Every city, town, state, -Why? well they are really and have been reading minds and recording thoguhts and brain washing, brain transferring, "BRAIN SHARING" for over 50 years. why the targeted individuals are being tortured and its being broadcast out livestream or emf broadcast, or what ever Info superhighway Bluetooth Internet Connection/Serval mesh relay "bt dongle give away" (applyaloe.com). 65 smith place , safety deposit box, Grandview police department-property pick up, missing persons detective, PI, 2006, blake carter, conartists, -Envy jealousy desire- aight this is part one of WWIII Covid. cause they started a WAR ON EVERYONE WORLDWIDE A LONG TIME AGO. AND REFUSED TO LET THE LAW, MILITARIES, OR GOVERNMENTS know what they were doing to humans, mind control reprogramming slavery and well its mind rape and reformatting, beating people into submission, right Ghosts?? hiding because you think you what? Years. Gypsies.... birds eye view, big-brother

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