Get Rid of Hair Loss Naturally/ Extra Virgin Olive Oil For Hair Loss Treatment |

3 years ago

If you happen to be struggling with thinning hair, it is important for you to understand that you are not alone. Hair loss is a common issue among women and men. Once believed to only be a male issue, scientist have discovered that women make up more than 40 percent of hair loss sufferers in the US.

Hair loss or thinning hair for a woman can be a devastating occurrence. Fortunately, you are not left without recourse. There is remarkable research that confirms that the use of extra virgin olive oil can immensely impact hair loss.

Over the past seven to 10 years more and more data has been compiled that confirms that extra virgin oil has the capacity to improve hair health as well as increase hair growth. Even when comes to cases of alopecia. Alopecia is a medical term associated with severe cases of abnormal hair loss, especially in women. There are numerous forms of alopecia that are generally categorized by the source of the problem.

No matter whether you are talking about men or women, there is one thing that all hair loss has in common it is a symptom. This means that it is always the result of something else that has gone wrong in the body. You hair on your head will remain there as long as there are no hormone imbalances, diseases, chemical contamination or some other condition.

If you are losing hair that means that something is out of balance in your body. Something as simple as taking a birth control pill can cause hair loss.

In most cases, once you identify the cause and it is treated, the scalp will begin to produce hair in its normal, yet random pattern as always; however, there are those instances in which women continue to struggle with hair loss. If the issue has to do with
scalp conditions, olive oil has certain properties that make it the ideal ingredient to use in treating hair loss.

First of all, it serves as a scalp conditioner. Most people are unaware of this, but the primary culprit in controllable hair loss is poor treatment of the scalp. If you have a dry and irritated scalp it will negatively impact the health of your hair.

By using extra virgin olive oil, you will be able to condition your scalp while also increasing the amount of blood that is flowing to the hair follicles in your scalp. This ensures that the proper nutrients reach the follicle so that it can function optimally in
producing and maintaining a healthy head of hair.

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