Our Girls Matter! 1st August 2020 Parliament Square

4 years ago

Daily live streams : https://www.twitch.tv/wegotaproblem
Support The Channel : https://www.paypal.me/wegotaproblem
My other social media, merch etc : https://linktr.ee/wgap
Parler : https://parler.com/profile/WeGotAProblem/posts

Massive Thanks to our Channel Members & Paypal Supporters

Wre cked Nicola Spindler
Sue Wilkinson Yankee
President Trump Brit Girl
Rik Aindow Angela Baxter
Illation Evil Diesel
Chuck Morris Josephine Holme
James Townsend Corrie
Stefan Steuerman Politicu5
John Baker Kent Willumsen
Wendy Marsh Stephen Whiteman
Hudl Device Barry Arnold
Wild Orchard Mark Scarboro
808artemis HJT Lincs
Kenneth Shields Roger Wilson
Ken Purdy David Fowler
Stephen helmore Philip Cook
JetGran Jonty
Richie Conway Rai 1 Dan
Helmut Fischer Michael Dobson
Jay Jack ESClad
Kizzy Powell Dawn Hauton
Stuart Brown Wanderer3
trishaishtar drewdrogo
Neil Greene Richard Taylor
Geo S 85 Craig Hughes
Brain Alleman Graham Smith
gstavrou Karl Fox
Mr Jimbaliod D eathproofb um
Loopy Lulu Blu ASMR Forever
The Weaver Paul Garvey
Brian Alleman True English Patriot
Pamela Ahearne AHC
James Carlisle Susan Smith
Paul Evans Andy Summerfield
Mark Hewitt John Graham FCSD
Cyning Meadowcroft Rik Aindow
Brain white Forearthbelow
Simon Hurst John Barker
Rai 1 Dan Dynamite dave
Jay Jack Richard taylor
simon gregory Ray W
Carlo Aldo K&J Williams
South East Coastal Defence
Andy c Ryan Williams
Christine Knight Paul Turnbull
TheRaz R Peter Peter
J T Kyle
Raz Valentine BP & Mastadons 1988
Free To Do As We Please George Dunne
George Bias Kevin Moore
Hebbs SUS
DrCanahavabud Rowland O'Connor
Mathew Parry Andre Tabarnak
Ginge David Farrell
Cira Franchi Jack Power
Al Zheimer Max Wragg
Stephen Stuart Barnes
Richard Johnson The Flying Scotsman
Liz Mac Loopy Lulu Blu
Russel Frost Karyna
Paul Brown Boudica1954
Joe Bull Rhys Spears
Scott M Wes 13
Monty Moonpooka
james gough Mark Thomas
crwl8 Pauly P
Damien J Kevin BAKER
stoater Daniel mattison
Brian Delamere Elaine Syme
Court ConQuest Lindsay Smith
M W Andy Llewelyn
alan coles Zim DeTango
Derek Williams Candida Shipman
John Jarvis Michael ONeill
Shawn Collins Smith Juan Domenech

Check Out My Social Media Links here to chat with me on other platforms https://linktr.ee/wgap

July Top Paypal donation
Graham B

July Paypal Donations
Graham B Paul H
Peter B Nigel S
A Gleave

June Paypal Donators
Steve R Stella S
Leonard S Sarah H
Paul H John B
Daniel B Graham B
Daniel P K James F
Charlotte D Robert P
Danny M John B
Alex C Mark L
Richard H Steve H

All Time Top Paypal Donator: Wrec Ked

Patreon & Subscribestar Supporters

Tara M
G Moore
Kevan H
Ed Birm
D eath to the eu
Kenneth B
Michael L
Chloe W
Callum S
chuck MOrris
D Welch
Christopher L
David T
Tony H
Stephen W
Selwyn R
Tim C
Tony D
Stewart b
Andrew M
Roman R ( Top Paypal Donator )
Lisa L
Tim C
Elis G
Simon B
Jump Dawg
Mr Charles A O
Mark S
Matt A
Ian B
Simon T
Vomit GPP Sausage
Charl-andre D B
Billie P
Tragic Vison
The BobaSoul
Sir Chap
Robert P
11bravo crunchie
David M B
Matt A
Nick M
Selwyn R
Tony D
Alexander J O
Helmut F
Dennis A
Mavic 2
D ead Grubber
Angela T
Road K ill Cafe
Tom H
Chris D

Intro Art By Discord Member John Bridges

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