What is Amp Token (AMP)? | Amp Crypto Explained in Under 60 Seconds

3 years ago

AMP Token (AMP) - Amp is a universal collateral token designed to decentralize risk in financial transactions. Provides verifiable assurance for any real-world application.

Decentralized Collateral - Using Amp coin as decentralized collateral lowers verification costs and eliminates fraud during transfers. This allows for a broader use of digital assets in commerce.

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Asset-agnostic - Staking Amp crypto allows any asset transfer (digital or physical) to be guaranteed, including digital payments, fiat currency exchange, property sales, and more.

Collateral Managers (Smart Contracts) - Collateral managers are smart contracts that function like escrow accounts with customizable rules. Can be created using Amp for value transfers or escrow services in applications.

Token Partitions - Amp allows the use of predefined partition strategies that can enable special capabilities & custom collateral models. Users can stake tokens without having to transfer them to a smart contract.

Collateral as a Service - Amp token provides an extensible platform that supports a variety of use cases for collateralization. Anyone can build apps to secure transfers, enable lending, and exchange value fast.

WEBSITE: https://amptoken.org/

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