States Different Rules - Suzuki Revs His Engine

3 years ago

Free States Faring Far Better Than Lockdown States in One Huge Way, New Data Show

The results are in—and they overwhelmingly vindicate the free states over the authoritarian experiments.

When COVID-19 first came to our shores, it presented policymakers and elected officials with a crisis like nothing in living memory. In the year since, states have taken markedly different approaches to pandemic policy. Some, like New York, embraced sweeping government lockdowns and top-down mandates while others like Florida and South Dakota took a more humble, hands-off government approach, trusting individuals to make the best decisions for themselves.

Rand Paul Forecasts Consequences Of Massive Debt And Government Spending

The U.S. Government has hit and raised the debt limit year after year ever since I can remember and we are now feeling the consequences.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in a back forth with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) forecasted some of the dangers of this massive government spending.

“It is alarming. It is foolish and unwise for us to say, oh, it’s there are no consequences. I think there will be consequences. And the number one that we’re seeing now is inflation,” Paul Stated.

Suzuki predicts 'blown up' pipelines to protest climate change

David Suzuki predicted over the weekend that “there are going to be pipelines blown up if our leaders don’t pay attention to what’s going on” with climate change.

Suzuki’s comment to Victoria, B.C. television station Chek News during a protest by the radical environmental group, Extinction Rebellion, during “a funeral for the future” can be interpreted in one of two ways.

Either as a threat, or a warning.

David Suzuki Foundation disavows Suzuki's warning that 'pipelines will be blown up' if there is no climate change action

The David Suzuki Foundation has distanced itself from environmental activist David Suzuki’s warning that “pipelines will be blown up” if political leaders do not act on climate change.

The Fake “Covid Pandemic” Was Orchestrated In Order to Impose Tyranny

The extraordinary measures we are witnessing in Austria and Europe and the news report that Australia is moving covid patients and contacts into quarantine camps comprise proof that the covid measures are unrelated to public health.

Both HCQ and Ivermectin are known Covid cures and preventatives. The evidence is overwhelming. In India’s largest province, Uttar Pradesh, with a dense population three times larger than the combined population of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, covid was contained by the use of Ivermectin.

Bank of Canada warns that Trudeau's climate offensive will cause an economic 'shrink'

The Bank of Canada has warned that vast sectors of the Canadian economy will "shrink significantly" under Trudeau's policies that are intended to combat climate change, according to Blacklock's Reporter.

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