My Worst Dates Ever (Valentine's Day Special) l Kati Rausch

3 years ago

Originally Published on February 15, 2020. Happy Valentine's Day, guys ❤ Hope you'll enjoy this little Valentine's Day Special. I was pretty sick while filming, but I really wanted to share this with you, and I also bought all the pink stuff from the 99 Cent Store, and I wanted to use it. Before we get to the dates, let's address my hair in this video: I got the pink wig for this video and it was my first time using a wig in a video all by myself. I had wigs on filmsets, but they were put on me by stylists, so..... I really fu**ked it up with wig here. And I was too sick and too happy to make this video to even notice. I decided to publish it anyway, because it is funny, and it was real, and I made this channel to be real with you guys. Give me a wig, a bad cold and a few too many cups of matcha tea, and you'll get what you see here 😂😱
Back to "My Worst Dates Ever": What do you think, was the worst of these dates? And what was you worst or strangest dating experience? And please feel free to send me some "How to use a wig" tutorials, it is much needed 😂😘

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