Final project for Harvard's CS50

3 years ago

In Brazil, to enter as a professor in a Federal University, the candidate needs to pass through a selective process with different stages.
The candidate will be evaluated by five evaluators who should give scores independent from each other. In each stage, candidates with less than an average score of 7 or with more than three evaluations below 7, should be excluded from the selective process. However, ideally, the grades should not be publicized before the end of the selective process and the evaluators should not see each others' evaluations. Sometimes, failed candidates remain until the last stage because their scores were not accessed before.

My project aims to create a system where evaluators can insert or remove their evaluations and the Selective process leader (known as president) can access the candidates that failed in each stage without seeing the scores of the remaining candidates. To do so, the President will have an exclusive login where he can:
- Add or remove candidates' names (/Padd)
- Create or remove the Evaluators login and password (/Register)
- See all the evaluations submitted without seeing the score itself and remove any if necessary (/president)
- Check and remove duplicated entries (/Preprov and /president)
- Finally, check the failed candidates for each stage of the selective process even by average score or by the excess of low grades. (/Preprov)

Once created the Evaluator login and password, he can access the login page and will have access to /index. There, he can add/remove his evaluation for each candidate in each stage.
The hour and date where each evaluation was added are displayed as a security measure.

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