EU Parliament MEPs Against Vaccine Mandates 2021

3 years ago

EU Parliament take opposition against the Vaccine mandate. The fundamental human rights are threatened as never before.

The parlement speakers are from various countries and political parties en lay down the evidence against the biggest crime in the world ever made.

Fight for liberty – Fight for freedom – in the EU – certificate mandate

It is reassuring seeing some MEP’s oppose the vaccine mandate, whilst at the same time is extremely alerting the mis-use of the sanitary passport in many counties, including mine (Italy). The so called green pass is indeed used as a political tool, creating discrimination and infringing the basic human rights such as freedom to travel, enjoy the social life, right to speak and dissent, work and study.

I strongly support those MEP standing up for the citizens of the EU.
It’s time for everybody to do our part and stand up as well for our rights and the rights of our children and the generation to come. I will be happy to enter in contact with the EU group Fight for liberty – Fight for freedom – in the EU – certificate mandate and to know how else we can support and what can be done as citizen.


Dutch: Het EU Parlement neemt oppositie tegen het vaccin mandaat. De fundamentele rechten van de mens worden bedreigd als nooit te voren. De sprekers komen uit verschilende landen en partijen en leggen vanuit verschillende invalshoeken het bewijs op tafel tegen de grootste criminele daad ooit tegen de mensheid.

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Met Vr. Groeten,
#JohnKuhles 🦜🦋🌳

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