Tribulation Timeline Revealed

3 years ago

In this video I go through events spoken about in matthew, mark, luke, thesselonians and revelation to lay out and correlate evidence of events happening today which point to the soon return of Jesus Christ.

David Lind Video on Revelation 4:
David Lind Video on Revelation 13:
EW Bullinger Witness of the stars:
Eclipse over China:

00:00 Introduction
03:04 Handling But of that day and hour knoweth no man
04:05 We are commanded to watch for the return
05:25 Revelation 12:1,2
06:05 The foundation to understanding celestial events
08:42 foundation to understand the Revelation 12 sign
10:36 Understanding the meaning of the stars
12:46 Understanding the events the Magi from Matthew 2 used to find Jesus
17:22 The Revelation 12 sign we all saw on September 23, 2017
20:09 The Purpose of the Revelation 12 sign
24:11 Revelation 13
27:12 August 21, 2019 eclipse revealing the first beast from Revelation 13
28:00 Who is the first beast from Revelation 13?
32:58 Purpose of the Seals
37:16 Revelation 4 Living Creatures
39:52 Revelation 4 Location Revealed
41:41 The Living Creatures into
44:17 The Living Creatures Revealed
50:24 Seal #1 Revealed
55:18 Seal #2 Revealed
1:03:30 Seal #3 Candidate Option #1
1:06:45 Seal #3 Candidate Option #2
1:11:25 Seal #4 Candidate
1:14:27 Revelation 13 Beast #1 & #2 revealed
1:21:30 Conclusion

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