Twin Flame Mastery - Twin Flame Container Starts 1st December 2021

2 years ago

Published: 27th November 2021.

Let me tell you a story. Six months ago I went to a dinner party with a good friend of mine and it happened to be on a full moon.

That evening, one of my friends around the table asked me to facilitate an impromptu full moon ceremony.

I agreed and everyone around the table was asked to go around and share our deepest heart’s desire, and every person in the group would visualise that for two minutes and 22 seconds.

So we went around the table and it was very, very powerful, and we really experienced that moment of actualisation of the wish fulfilled for each of the people around the table.

Fast forward to six months later, to a couple of days ago in fact, and I was out with my friend, and we met up with one of the lovely brothers that came to the dinner party on that full moon night.

As soon as I saw him, I was extremely surprised because he had lost so much weight and I remarked on how amazing he looked. And he said, “Yes Jen, that’s because of the ceremony that we did that night where we all visualised me losing weight.”

We then proceeded to sit down and my friend Dom shared with me, that through this experience, he had experienced literally the opening of the curtains, for him to experience what lies beyond the veil.

He went on to tell me that this experience enabled him to witness the deepest mysteries of manifestation mastery and how it works.

Our brother Dom had created an incredible manifestation protocol that he had applied to his own life, enabling him to lose weight, keep the weight off, manifest £100000 and manifest his beloved back after a breakup…..

Since this experience, Dom went through an extremely powerful stabilisation into 5D and full spiritual mastery and started applying this new technique that he had co-created……

I would like everyone to know that I’m going to be working with Dom in the next few days to really deeply and implicitly understand this technique, how to apply it and how to teach it.

I am delighted to say that everyone that takes part in the “Twin flame container” will be on the receiving end of the most powerful manifestation techniques I’ve ever experienced in my 25 years of being fully spiritually awakened and studying in-depth, the subject of manifestation mastery.

For all of those who say yes to show up for this level of spiritual transformation of mastery please know that:

This is an extraordinary opportunity for us to come together and embody the deepest principles of the twin flame template and phenomena.

This is an opportunity for us to embody the codes of spiritual mastery, of homecoming, of finding our true sense of belonging in the universal fabric of creation, remembering the truth that we promised our twin flame that we would remember, and that they would find solace and salvation through our remembrance.

The twin flame container promises to be a deep emergence into the hieros gamos codes and what that really truly means.

We will explore in great depth all of the aspects of the Kundalini energy, the chakras and the necessity to work with them in order to maintain a pristine energetic system.

We will cover the shadow self and we will experience great depths of inner child healing.

We will do many extraordinary ceremonies that will activate the deep beloved codes within.

There is so much more that will come through in this course.

The course will take place over a 3 week period, and we will meet on Zoom once a week for between one and three hours, depending on the flow of energy and the flow of the teachings.

Sometimes the teachings can be very rapid.

Sometimes they can take longer to share.

The course will start on 1st December and will finish on the 21st December.

There will be a PDF workbook that goes along with it and many exercises that will train you to stabilise in fifth dimensional consciousness, which is always the aim of the game, and is the vibrational state that we, the divine feminine, must attain in order to fully attract our divine counterpart.

Everybody that participates in this course will experience a profound shift in their vibrational magnetism towards their twin flame counterpart.This is an opportunity to clear lifetimes worth of traumatic wounding that has kept you vibrationally in separation all those that participate will receive the codes to activate their union in hyper-speed utilising the most phenomenal tools within the quantum field.

So if you are feeling an excitement, a yes and an expansion to this message, please know that for everyone on the prebook list, I am doing an unprecedented sale of £1,111 to the first 20 people that sign up for this offering.

The true cost of this offering is priceless, as we know,

but it will be offered at £4,444 as its full price.

Please understand this is a very spontaneous act of generosity by my higher self to be offering this level of work at this price.

Please know that we experience profound and rapid transformation in accordance to those who we choose to have proximity to.

I promise you that having close proximity to me will bring so much magic, so many miracles, and so much transformation into your field.

I am so excited to see who are the first 20 people that sign up for this exciting container.

Here is what I can tell you:

1- we will feel SO close after this.

2- you will experience intentionality in a whole new way.

3- it lasts longer than you think.

4- you will be SO happy you did this.

5- you will feel like anything is possible.

6- it’s the greatest offer I have ever made.

The cost to join the container is £3333 there is the option to pay in installments of £222 x 16 - if you choose the installment option my assistant will contact you to set up a direct debit plan - Contact my assistant at

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