WTD ep.31 Jaymee Jay 'fathoming the depths of the Satanic Ritual Abuse rabbithole'

3 years ago

I am pleased to introduce a good friend to the show, Jaymee Jay.
She shares with us her extensive knowledge on the topic of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Black Awakening. This is a most important topic, especially with the passing of Russ Dizdar last week. His mission continues with us.
Jaymee teaches us the methods and functions of the practice of SRA and the extent to which they are used to enslave humanity. The scope of this topic is so far reaching, we plan on many follow up episodes to dig deeper.
SRA is the gravest transgression against Natural Law. It enslaves the victim before they form an identity and will of their own. These slaves are positioned in the structure of society to manage the human species like cattle. It is an ancient practice which has been refined with technical precision by the Nazis and the CIA's MKUltra program.
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