කට්ට විදපු නැති අයට විශේෂ පණිවිඩයක්, දැනුවත් වන්න.බේරෙන්න.for unvaccinated & vaccinated || SiwhelaTV || Mr. J. Silva

3 years ago

Original channel : Siwhela TV

Due to youtube censorship I have uploaded this valuable info to Rumble.

Everything this Gentleman say is TRUE.
I see and hear whats going on.

Main stream media is hiding the truth. Important vids are being censored.

This gentleman need protection!

Youtube AI bots are deleting comments and censoring informative videos.
If they have nothing to hide, why do they censor?

Some People in this country, where I live have already , have happily implanted a microchip.
A social credit system will be activated just like in China.

Face recognizion system is already being activated.

In 2024, the leaders in this country have informed us, that there will be no more cash. Only credit cards will be available.
Yes, the microchip is injected thru this thing in the arm (cannot say the word due to censorship).
And your brain will be connected thru the chip, and then to Internet of things.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) will then be controlling brains.
They will have a barcode just like how a product can be scanned.
This is not science fiction.

Those who take this thing in the arm
are marked.

PCR test is a fraud.

Over 10,000 doctors, nurses, other health care practioners and workers, virologists, scientists, laywers are now fighting against this (Thing in the arm mandate)

Yes Australia, Austria, Canada, Israel, Netherlands are going thru hell.
Angry Italians are burning their vaccine PP.

The above mentioned countries, GERMANY, UK,US, EUROPE, SCANDINAVIAN countries are protesting against this horrible situation and for crime against humanity.

This is the end of humanity if people ignore these warnings and refuse to wakeup!

Pls dont shoot the messenger!
Do your own research, you will realize whats really going on.
Get yourselves educated.

Check for Agenda 21 , Agenda 2030.
Check for W-o-r-ld E-con-omic F-or-um.
Check for world doctors alliance.
Nuremburg code 2.0
A.R.E.A 51
NASA is hiding truth.
Fact checkers are funded by the same billioniers who plan and rule the world. They have no Empathy.

Anyone disagree?
Send your email address and I will post the websites.
Cannot post them on youtube due to censorship. (AI BOTS are deleting them)

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