Get Your Butt Out Of That Rut

3 years ago

August 04, 2019

Debby Wells
Season 2 / Episode 1

"Get Your Butt Out Of Your Rut"My first episode of the season! Let's talk about how people, life and our own insecurities can train us to stay in a place or "rut" that we can get out of, but don't try to.  I have been in those ruts so many times myself, and it is a horrible place to be when you have hopes and dreams because they require you to do something!Have you trained your mind to think that you cannot get out if a rut you have been stuck in?? Are you like a trained animal and think that you are tethered to one path, unable to run and be free? I share some thoughts during my podcast.

Music is written, performed and recorded for Special Family Connection®

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